VIRTUS Youth & family Training unit
Each year we cover the important topic of boundaries and safety. An important component of building a safer environment for everyone includes background checks for all volunteers as well as training on how to recognize boundaries. For youth, the same is true, in order for a safe environment to exist young people need to understand and have language for their own boundaries. That is what this particular month is about! Building better boundaries, as well as connections with safe adults!
All who do not attend will be required to complete their training at home / virtually. Below are the required training materials to be used, which takes little time (15 minutes), but is an ever so important discussion in our day and age! As always any parent who wishes to opt-out should make their notice known right away by emailing: [email protected]
Learn more as a parent about advocating for your child as well as forming healthy boundaries at home by reviewing this parent resource (not required):
All who do not attend will be required to complete their training at home / virtually. Below are the required training materials to be used, which takes little time (15 minutes), but is an ever so important discussion in our day and age! As always any parent who wishes to opt-out should make their notice known right away by emailing: [email protected]
Learn more as a parent about advocating for your child as well as forming healthy boundaries at home by reviewing this parent resource (not required):

teaching-boundaries-and-safety-guide-english.pdf |
Lesson Videos
Each age group’s lesson begins with a short video which helps explain the core principles from which discussion and vocabulary words in this year’s lesson 4 will build off of. Feel free to watch the video first on your own or simply watch it together to begin the lesson. Please don’t forget to review the below lesson plan to combine the video into the age appropriate discussion aids.
Elementary Video |
Middle School Video |
High School Video |
Age Appropriate Lesson Plans
This year we are completing Lesson 4 as part of our Safe Environment youth training. There are four major age groups that the lesson plans are divided into. K-2, 3-5, 6-8, & 9-12. Please select the correct lesson plan age bracket and plan ahead to have a brief sit-down discussion with your child. You are welcome to begin with the video and complete one or two activities together to complete the training. Thank you for your cooperation in this very important endeavor. If after reviewing the materials you realize that you would prefer to Opt-out please contact the parish office as soon as possible so we can properly document your choice as a parent.
K-2 Lesson Plan

parent-lesson4-k-2.pdf |
3rd through 5th Grades Lesson Plan

parent-lesson4-3-5.pdf |
6th through 8th Grades Lesson Plan

parent-lesson4-6-8.pdf |
9th through 12th grades lesson plan

parent-lesson4-9-12.pdf |
Everyone’s dreaded phrase, but it exists so we can show training happened. Below is the needed documentation to show you completed the required training.

parent_acknowledgment_and_completion_form.pdf |